Electrical Etiquette

Published: 7th Jul 2008 in Ethical Business

Well, actually knowing about the electricals you use for your business is much more than etiquette, it’s about working ethically and being responsible towards the environment.

Electrical equipmentWe all need to use computers for our day to day work, that’s just a fact of life. On top of that there are printers, mobile phones, laptops and the list goes on. So, how do we ensure that what we’re buying has the most electrical efficiency and least environmental impact? Plus what should we do with electricals when we don’t need them any more?

Buying Electrical Equipment
There are online resources available to help you find out about the electricals you’re buying and the companies who manufacture them. Use these kinds of guides when considering new computers, mobile phones and other equipment for your office and show manufacturers that you want only the highest environmental standards:

* Greenpeace’s Guide to Greener Electronics – Number 8
* Energy Star Product Guide
* Gooshing

Need to WEEE? Yes, you do.
Once you’ve finished with an old computer or printer you could donate it to a charity or community group (making sure it is safe to use and confidential and sensitive data has been completely removed first).

However, there will be times when the appliance is broken and of no use and this is where the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive should be observed.

The WEEE Directive exists to reduce the amount of EEE which goes into landfill and ensures that it is treated and recovered instead. The WEEE directive applies to all kinds of businesses including those which simply use electricals for regular office use. The Environment Agency provides clear and useful information on responsibility of disposing of EEE and how it affects businesses and organisations like yours.

Visit the ‘Business users of EEE: your responsibilities‘ page to find out more and download the free fact sheet for businesses.

Also see www.envirowise.gov.uk and www.netregs.gov.uk for more on reducing waste in your business.

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